May 15, 2012

The BEST Turkey Leg Ever! - by Disney

om nom notes rating: 5 stars

One of the best (and economical) options for food from Disneyland is the turkey leg! The price has gone up over the last couple of years, but it is still worth it at $8.99 for a 1.5lb leg. Where else can you get a moist, juicy, tender, smoky and ginormous turkey leg that can easily be shared with 2+ people (that you are ok with sharing germs with of course)? Plus - are you really going to be able to replicate the salt-water cured, slow-cooked in a smoker for 6+ hours process? SO DELICIOUS!!!

Tips: Make sure you bring lots of napkins and have some water/quencher on hand. It gets salty! Also - if they offer you a tray/carton, take it! This is good to have on hand as you remove the tough turkey cartilage/bones and/or skin (i know i know - blasphemous!)

Where to find these turkey legs?

Main Street Roundabout - If you're facing the Walt/Mickey statue, the turkey leg cart is on the left side, close to across the entrance area to Frontierland. This is a really good place to get a turkey leg if you're waiting around for the fireworks or parade. You can also get chimichangas and (buttered or chili-lime) corn here. 

Side note: Chimichangas are decent at $5.49, well portioned. My family really enjoys the chili-lime corn ($4.39) but it's messy!

Frontierland - This is close to the entrance of Big Thunder Mountain Railroad. It used to be a cart, but has actually been turned to a permanent 'stand' to the right of the ferry landing/line area.

California Adventure
Hollywood Pictures Backlot - There's a cart off the main street as you turn into the alley that leads you to Muppet Vision 3D. Chimichangas and corn here too.

Disclaimer: Disneyland/California Adventure clearly can change their plans at any time so these locations are current as of May 2012. These turkey legs (of the same yummy goodness) are also available at the Walt Disney Resort in Florida.

Disney Turkey Leg - $8.99
Disneyland Turkey Leg
Smoked Turkey Leg
Turkey Leg Cart at Disneyland
Disneyland Turkey Leg Cart off Main Street

Learn more about why the turkey leg is so tasty from Food Network's Unwrapped

And just in case your curious about the calorie count, i've included it but don't let that stop you. it's totally worth it!

4.0 star rating
Yelp reviews as of 5/15/12

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